Writing Machines, Part 2

Editing in Markdown Pro.

Markdown I’ve begun using Markdown to draft much of my writing. Though it doesn’t make much noise, like my typewriter does, it does cut down on the visual and digital distractions normally involved with writing on a computer. Markdown lends a simplicity that is not only aesthetically and cognitively appealing while I am writing, but… Continue reading Writing Machines, Part 2

Showing My Cards

The puking pidgeon #1, or, The fucking duck #1, or, The search for the holy houkah revealed #1

Yesterday Emory Libraries held It’s in the Cards, an art party to make art out of old MARBL card catalog cards. It brought me back to my days making and glamming with 3Text at the Graduate Center. I used 3 cards from the Danowski collection. The first, published in 1951, included poems by William Carlos Williams, Genevieve… Continue reading Showing My Cards

Bashing my head against the command line

A screenshot of my session in Terminal.

BASHing–get it?? (Too violent a pun? See also: hack.)  MARBL houses and owns the rights to the poet Turner Cassity’s papers, including born digital materials from one computer. Dorothy Waugh, my colleague on the Digital Archives team, processed the born digital materials and is now working to get them online and publicly available on an Omeka… Continue reading Bashing my head against the command line

Writing Machines

Red 1950s Royal typewriter

Around the new year, I got a typewriter. It was a birthday present from my parents. My mom became a typewriter convert several years ago. We visited Michael Ardito’s office on Staten Island, where he let me try out lots of manual typewriters, and I fell for the elegance of this red Royal. It clacks with the kind of satisfactory… Continue reading Writing Machines
