April 2nd Workshop on Open Journal Systems

Tonight I’m running a workshop on Open Journal Systems for students in the Interactive Technology & Pedagogy Core II course. Participants (or anyone interested) can find the google doc I’ll be working from here. [gview file=”http://opencuny.org/adonlon/files/2014/04/OJSPresentationtoITPCoreII-2.pdf”]


I glammed a notebook with the Text Textile Texture Studio last week.

Categorized as Education

“First fight. Then fiddle.”

We are things of dry hours and the involuntary plan, Grayed in, and gray. “Dream” makes a giddy sound, not strong Like “rent,” “feeding a wife,” “satisfying a man.” –from Gwendolyn Brooks’s “kitchenette building” in “A Street in Bronzeville.” This May Day, I read Selected Poems of Gwendolyn Brooks over my oatmeal, before travelling around… Continue reading “First fight. Then fiddle.”
